The Cloud services company of EMET Technologies Group / EMET E&M Computing
The company provides its clients with managed infrastructure services, integrating a private, public and hybrid cloud, in an SLA (“Service Level Agreement”) and Pay-Per-Use model.
The data centers of Cloud’em are spread over several sites in Israel, all comply with the strictest levels of security standards.
EMET Technologies is a leading provider of specification, consulting, implementation and management of IT solutions for multiple clients in Israel as of 1984, and is traded in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.
The company’s headquarters are situated in Ramat Gan, and it has offices in Rosh Ha’ain, Petach Tikva, Haifa and Ashdod and distribution centers around the world. With its workforce of 1200 staff members, it stands ready to meet the most demanding technological challenges.
The Services of Cloud’em
Increasing number of organizations adopt the approach of cloud solutions deployment, i.e., use of several public and private clouds, in order to facilitate different workloads and organizational applications.
A multi-cloud environment helps organizations in structuring an adapted infrastructure and in customizing the services to their business needs. Majority of organizations adopted the multi-cloud. However, the greatest challenge is to manage them with simplicity and in a holistic manner.
The goal is to reduce costs by integrating the use of cloud technology advantages with actualizing the business goals and operational efficiency.
Cloud’em Ltd. provides its clients with multi-cloud solutions consulting and implementation services, with the aim of benefiting from all worlds in a multi-cloud solution.
Loss of the organizational data signifies a critical damage to the organization!
Cloud’em provides off-site backup, in order to separate the content of the backup from the active data in the production environment, and in order to utilize the ability to revert to a previous version or timeline in the event of a malfunction or malware attack of the client’s site. Using this approach protects the organization from total data loss.
With a fixed monthly budget, without additional un-foreseen expenses, you’ll be confident that the organizational data – the most valuable asset of your organization – always remains available.
The backup in the cloud of Cloud’em is performed for any type of information, for any organization size.
Many organizations, whose work is based on IT performance, may experience a service break for a long time interval in the event of system failure.
The outcome, at best, is a large scale and expensive recovery work, and loss of revenues for an extended period of time.
The solution is duplication/mirroring of the IT systems in a designated site, and upon need, migration of the activity from the main site to a remote site.
In order to save double systems acquisition costs and ongoing maintenance of two sites, Cloud’em provides a DR (Disaster Recovery) solutions for its clients.
The recovery ability from a disaster enables business continuity for the organization during an infrastructure failure event, so your organization can continue and function under any circumstances.
A decentralized workforce poses new technological challenges, which warrant an approach enabling remote, effective and secure virtual work spaces without restriction.
Cloud’em Ltd. of the EMET E&M Computing Group, enables access to your desktop from any device according to a Desktop as a Service model, a VMWare Horizon based VDI solution, which provides end-users with an easy and user-friendly work experience, and the benefit of the following advantages:
Remote access: Connection to the virtual desktop from any location or device. Full accessibility to all files and applications, and remote work from anywhere in the world.
Costs saving: Since the processing is performed over the server, the hardware requirements for the end-devices are lower, and users can access their virtual desktops from old devices or even tablets. This advantage minimizes the need for acquisition of expensive hardware or high-frequency replacement.
Security: Since the data is located on the server and not the end device, the data security is maintained even if a device is stolen or lost.
Central management: Configuration and updates of all virtual desktops are performed from a central uniform system.
Cloud’em provides its clients with a solution for actualizing cloud computing infrastructures, and reduces the need for hardware maintenance and acquisition, as well as for licensing of operating systems. By that, it allows companies to free valuable time in order to focus on their core business.
Cloud’em provides solutions which are customized to the client’s needs. The solutions range from support and maintenance solutions for end-users, up to a full IT infrastructure solution.
A solid and reliable foundation for technological leverage of the company.
The way to understand how IT systems behave, solve problems quickly and respond rationally to IT security events, is based on a continuous analysis of “machine information” – data on events and operational indices which the IT systems write continuously. The leading product in this sector is Splunk Enterprise, which is highly common both in Israel and around the world.
Cloud’em Ltd. provides Splunk’s technology as a service, in addition to providing consulting and customization services by a team of experienced experts, in order to improve the response time of operational events and of IT security events, finding the root problems, and rapid return to full activity.
>Flexibility of use and perfect customization to the organization’s needs > Costs reduction > Years of experience in operating the software, upgrades and maintenance > Fixed usage fees according to usage volume
The leading and most comprehensive system, which provides an overall solution to sales, purchasing, inventory management, production, service, finance and data analysis processes.
Cloud’em offers a cloud-based SAP Business One solution, in an SLA and Pay-Per-Use model, and allows organizations to significantly minimize the maintenance costs of the organizational infrastructures, and benefit from advanced, well-maintained and continuously secured infrastructures, including 24/7 Hebrew support to end-users.
Cloud’em enables a work model of using Office 365 services, which include migration and support projects. The view that Microsoft provides full back to your data is misled, and may result in damage to the most important assets in your business.
Microsoft provides basic security level only, of redundancy and protection from infrastructure faults, so users will always continue working and for the most part, will not sense the fault.
However, this basic security level is not a true backup of your data. Data backup is a copy of data, stored in several sites in a specific point in time. Therefore, it is even more important that you’ll have direct access to this backup and control over it, so that if data is lost, accidentally deleted or exposed to an initiated attack – you’ll be able to quickly recover.
- Multi Cloud solution
- Backup as a Service
- DR as a Service
- Desktop as a Service - VMware VDI solution
- Infrastracture as a Service
- SAP Business One
- Office 365
Increasing number of organizations adopt the approach of cloud solutions deployment, i.e., use of several public and private clouds, in order to facilitate different workloads and organizational applications.
A multi-cloud environment helps organizations in structuring an adapted infrastructure and in customizing the services to their business needs. Majority of organizations adopted the multi-cloud. However, the greatest challenge is to manage them with simplicity and in a holistic manner.
The goal is to reduce costs by integrating the use of cloud technology advantages with actualizing the business goals and operational efficiency.
Cloud’em Ltd. provides its clients with multi-cloud solutions consulting and implementation services, with the aim of benefiting from all worlds in a multi-cloud solution.
Loss of the organizational data signifies a critical damage to the organization!
Cloud’em provides off-site backup, in order to separate the content of the backup from the active data in the production environment, and in order to utilize the ability to revert to a previous version or timeline in the event of a malfunction or malware attack of the client’s site. Using this approach protects the organization from total data loss.
With a fixed monthly budget, without additional un-foreseen expenses, you’ll be confident that the organizational data – the most valuable asset of your organization – always remains available.
The backup in the cloud of Cloud’em is performed for any type of information, for any organization size.
Many organizations, whose work is based on IT performance, may experience a service break for a long time interval in the event of system failure.
The outcome, at best, is a large scale and expensive recovery work, and loss of revenues for an extended period of time.
The solution is duplication/mirroring of the IT systems in a designated site, and upon need, migration of the activity from the main site to a remote site.
In order to save double systems acquisition costs and ongoing maintenance of two sites, Cloud’em provides a DR (Disaster Recovery) solutions for its clients.
The recovery ability from a disaster enables business continuity for the organization during an infrastructure failure event, so your organization can continue and function under any circumstances.
A decentralized workforce poses new technological challenges, which warrant an approach enabling remote, effective and secure virtual work spaces without restriction.
Cloud’em Ltd. of the EMET E&M Computing Group, enables access to your desktop from any device according to a Desktop as a Service model, a VMWare Horizon based VDI solution, which provides end-users with an easy and user-friendly work experience, and the benefit of the following advantages:
Remote access: Connection to the virtual desktop from any location or device. Full accessibility to all files and applications, and remote work from anywhere in the world.
Costs saving: Since the processing is performed over the server, the hardware requirements for the end-devices are lower, and users can access their virtual desktops from old devices or even tablets. This advantage minimizes the need for acquisition of expensive hardware or high-frequency replacement.
Security: Since the data is located on the server and not the end device, the data security is maintained even if a device is stolen or lost.
Central management: Configuration and updates of all virtual desktops are performed from a central uniform system.
Cloud’em provides its clients with a solution for actualizing cloud computing infrastructures, and reduces the need for hardware maintenance and acquisition, as well as for licensing of operating systems. By that, it allows companies to free valuable time in order to focus on their core business.
Cloud’em provides solutions which are customized to the client’s needs. The solutions range from support and maintenance solutions for end-users, up to a full IT infrastructure solution.
A solid and reliable foundation for technological leverage of the company.
The way to understand how IT systems behave, solve problems quickly and respond rationally to IT security events, is based on a continuous analysis of “machine information” – data on events and operational indices which the IT systems write continuously. The leading product in this sector is Splunk Enterprise, which is highly common both in Israel and around the world.
Cloud’em Ltd. provides Splunk’s technology as a service, in addition to providing consulting and customization services by a team of experienced experts, in order to improve the response time of operational events and of IT security events, finding the root problems, and rapid return to full activity.
>Flexibility of use and perfect customization to the organization’s needs > Costs reduction > Years of experience in operating the software, upgrades and maintenance > Fixed usage fees according to usage volume
The leading and most comprehensive system, which provides an overall solution to sales, purchasing, inventory management, production, service, finance and data analysis processes.
Cloud’em offers a cloud-based SAP Business One solution, in an SLA and Pay-Per-Use model, and allows organizations to significantly minimize the maintenance costs of the organizational infrastructures, and benefit from advanced, well-maintained and continuously secured infrastructures, including 24/7 Hebrew support to end-users.
Cloud’em enables a work model of using Office 365 services, which include migration and support projects. The view that Microsoft provides full back to your data is misled, and may result in damage to the most important assets in your business.
Microsoft provides basic security level only, of redundancy and protection from infrastructure faults, so users will always continue working and for the most part, will not sense the fault.
However, this basic security level is not a true backup of your data. Data backup is a copy of data, stored in several sites in a specific point in time. Therefore, it is even more important that you’ll have direct access to this backup and control over it, so that if data is lost, accidentally deleted or exposed to an initiated attack – you’ll be able to quickly recover.
data security array
בקרת כניסה
דלתות סינון ובקרת כניסה ביומטרית
מצלמות הצופות על שטח
המתקן וסביבתו,מתעדות תנועה
בכל שעות היממה.
שמירה פיזית אבטחה 24/7/365
מאבטחים המאיישים את המבנה
ואת מרכז הבקרה של האתר
עמידה ברגולציות
תקני אבטחת מידע ISO,
הרשות להגנת הפרטיות ובנק ישראל
יישום ניתור מלא SIEM/SOC
נגד התקפות סייבר 24/7/365
פתרונות אבטחת מידע
להגנות בזמן אמת מתקיפות וירוס
כופר, גניבת מידע ותוכנות זדוניות

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Shlomi Kapzon, CEO
"WaaS - Worry as a Service. Let us worry about your compute infrastructure so your business will continue running smoothly"
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